Tuesday 18 August 2015

Happy WOmens' day

August is a month in which women are celebrated. Being a women I am all for celebrating us. Unfortunatley it also seems to be a time when companies want to endocrinate women into go for the brass ring within the world of corporations. The sad thing is that women will need to give up so much if they want to climb the corporate ladder. The work/life balance goes out of the window and work will take as much as you can give. WOmen wake up, companies don't give a damn, they truly will just suck you dry and discard the husk of dried out cadaver once you have given them your all. The only reason companies want women in management roles is so that they can tote them out whenever they feel hot water approaching. The other side of the coin is that women can be just as big a$$es as their male counterparts. Just reading this, I realise that men too need to not hand over their souls to profit freaks.

Oh well, work well, love well, live well!
