Friday 31 May 2013

Poor little Rainbow

I feel that my right to be fabulous has been violated. It all started slowly with the Beetles wanting the rainbow, and then Apple wanted the rainbow and the apple and the finally the poor rainbow was high jacked by the gay people and they seem to be hogging it.

Though I think the beetles were actually the start of the rainbow being considered to represent gay people; well look at their photo and maybe you can see what I mean. I also love their outfits.

I have no problem with people finding love wherever they can as that is probably the meaning of life and how dare anyone question another person's choice. Equally any person who is prepared to raise and love a tiny human through the terrible two's and through teenage-dom, then pay for college and finally independence should have the right to do so. A child does not judge the person who loves them so once again how dare any other person interfere. As a parent it does not matter who  you are as long as you have ethics and never harm those in your care it really does not matter who you have as a partner. There are enough theoretically normal people that raise children and teach them the weirdest of things.
Well back to being fabulous. I think if gay people can get married and adopt children then they have to give back the rainbow for all of us to use. They may still be fabulous, but, no longer should the rainbow be exclusively theirs.

The poor Nyan cat has been labelled as symbol of gay pride and all it does is leave a vapour trail in the colours of the rainbow. Maybe the kitty does like kitties of its own sex or maybe it finds the opposite sex exciting, who are we to judge and shove a label on the kitty
just because it has a fabulous choice of colour.

Poor my little ponies, not only are they made out of rubber and have been scribbled on, now they too are considered to be gay. It is bad enough that they are being exploited for entertainment without the benefit of first having a decent voice coach or options to preview the script. Stop the labelling.

The pot of gold is also a bit frightened as it is scared that it can only be found in an area where gay men prefer to hang out; well that is just plain silly. I know leprechauns look like strange little fellows but
once again stop judging them and saying that they are gay due to  playing with rainbows and pots of gold. They may very well be, but once again we don't care.

Now that everyone can get married and have children, the proverbial pot of gold is going to be all used up for pedestrian thing like school fees.

So no more selfishness, if you want to be part of every day life then you actually have to just fit in and stop making a noises as to how down trodden you are. I don't care who anybody goes to bed with and I certainly don't want to hear about it. - Customize and Share your images Please stop stealing symbols that were not up for grabs. Colour is for all to use and enjoy. To all the straight people out there, use the rainbow in some way in the next week and get the full enjoyment of the whole spectrum of colours that white can be broken into. No longer do we have to stick to cream , beige or taupe; breakout and paint a wall any colour you choose even turquoise or lavender, this too is your right.

So lets all get together and just be people.  Do your bit to save the kitties and ponies from being labelled. It is the only way to be.



Wednesday 22 May 2013

Nice is not so nice

What nonsense it is to think that just because people get old suddenly they become nice. I heard today a person described as a nice little old lady and this women was three years younger than me. Now one thing I would never call myself is nice. Nice is an insipid thing. Nice is normally achieved though pharmacological intervention or the participation of emptying wine bottles. The other method of achieving nice is to use self hypnosis of a Deity that will make everything fun and yes you got it, nice.

I am happy to say that as I get older I still have a fire roiling in the centre of my being that is inflamed by all that I see. Stupid particularly stirs up the embers and I seem to be seeing more and more of it every passing day. Thinking by committee can make me blow flames as it is normally the most stupid person that everybody is scared of offending, that gets their way and normally that way is wrong as they actually are as stupid as they fear they are.

I suppose as you get older you are not afraid of voicing your opinion and that is considered cantankerous.

In counter balance,
I still have burning passion for the things that I like and do. I appreciate beauty with a whole lot more respect than I did when I was young. I find beauty in so many more things as well.

So in conclusion, don't become nice, strive to have passion in all you say and do. You can still be kind, amazing and awesome as long as you do it with your whole heart.


Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy mothers day

Mothers day is one of the times that you can reflect on how you are doing as a mother and try to assess if your children are the people that you would like them to be. The things is that your child's nature is set by the time that they are 6 so all you can do for the rest of your life is attempt to not cause them too much embarrassment and certainly no pain. What you need to worry about is all the other influences once your children have grown up, the things they see and do often are not what you would have liked for them. If you take a horrid and harsh look at yourself, I am sure you would be able to spot all the things that were not perfect in your children's lives and how in all honesty you didn't stop them. Then there are time when the words out of your mouth were not just pure love and support but were flecked with nastiness that your poor children then had to deal with.

My feeling is that as long as you do not abandon your children and attempt to raise them so that they are decent human beings it is good enough. Each person has their own journey so the only thing you can do as a parent is to attempt to send your child out into the world with a solid foundation.

If you are being all deep then just think, your children actually chose you to be in their life experience, just as you chose your parents to be in yours.


Saturday 11 May 2013

Get your own soap box

I come from a country where all the liberals have run away. I have no problem with the people getting out of Africa and fleeing all over the globe, what I have a problem with is that these very same people seem to be the experts on what is happening in the country and seem to have a pathological need to share their opinion.

I am sorry people, but you revoked your right to mouth off the second you ran away and stopped having to put up with all the crap that living in Africa entails. Moan about your new country, I can promise you the people of the country you invaded are moaning about you.

So do I have to name names or will you please just shut up, or, create a whiney blog where you can mouth off and nobody has to actually read your opinions.

Yes Tiffany there are gated communities in South Africa but so are there in America, that is currently having to put up with you and the rest of your whiney family. In fact they had to create them to keep you out.

So if you have run away, just keep your shame to yourself and stop doing justifications as to how horrible it is here, as it is, but, some of us are still trying to keep the country going.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

To dream a dream

Somebody on Facebook posted a silly motivational you tube that described how to follow your dreams and don't worry about silly things like money or practicality. Well I did the typical over-reaction with my poor heart feeling as though a giant cold hand had gripped it and my brain was being seared by heat passion. Tears sprung to my eyes and I commented that I was glad that the particular philosopher was no longer walking the earth. I had been offended by this particular speech before so I had done some reading up on him.

Once I calmed down and thought about where these feeling were coming from I realised it was not the actual following of dreams that making me in to a loony, but rather how throughout my considerable life I have seen people do the most heinous of things in the name of dreams. In fact from observation I have seen that decency is the victim of dreams.

I firstly thought it was only my parents’ generation that were low morale individuals and that was proved false when I had lived long enough for my generation get to the same age and have selfishness kick in. What I have seen that has repeatedly hurt my poor heart is cheating and abandonment done in the name of dreams. I have seen people who have celebrated many years of marriage and observed them cheating behind their partners backs and then in public accept the accolades of being such a marvellous person due to having been married for so long.

The people involved always state that they only have one life to live. Well yes you do, but why do you have to behave like such a selfish dick in it. The observations that I have made have been done by both men and women so no moral superiority can be drawn.

Living this one life of ours and getting up and following our dreams sounds like something that is what we all should do, after all Oprah made billions peddling these ideas. The thing is as we live we gather these things called responsibilities often in the form of children. What I have observed is that it always seems to be the children who pay for the pursuit of happiness by those who bore them.
I am revolted by the behaviour that makes stupid people think that they can just flit away and no longer care for those that give them unconditional love. I have seen that parents don't actually follow through with that unconditional love thing but rather do it until a shinier path appears.

I understand that often things do not work out, well then do something about it without cheating. It does not matter what your religious views are, the fundamental issue of getting married is that you will be loyal; and that is it. All the other things are basically propping up the fact that you will try your damnedest to be loyal to the person you got dressed up nicely with. So where in being loyal do you fit in being involved with someone else? It is just Rude!

I think having a dream is a lovely thing and pursuing it is a great way to spend your free time. A truly gifted person in an area may be able to use it to generate an income, and that would be an amazing thing. The question at that point is would it still be a dream or would the reality of having to use it to generated an income, destroy the lustre and sparkly bits that made it a dream in the first place.

I liked the doctors’ pledge of “first do no harm” until I was sorely disappointed when I read various versions of the Hippocrates’ oath and those words did not appear in any of them. I think the world has confused science with science fiction so I think we should then live up to Asimov’s first law of Robotics which states “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm”. So now instead of just doctors and robots imagine if all of us humans could firstly do no harm and then secondly not allow human being to come to harm.  I feel this is a statement about both the mental and physical portions of the people who are our orbit.

And with that I know of at least half a dozen people who would have been offended by these words. My mission is on course. Stupid offended people! I know of course a whole lot of other people who on reading this will feel that they are the exception as they are truly important and really needed to do whatever they did; disloyal asses.

Often the dream is to change careers, once you have been doing it for about 20 years. Well this is normally fine if you didn't actually spend 10 years qualifying and getting good at that job and the new job will take you another 5 to 10 years to become proficient at. So yes if the qualifying period of your current job was 2 week and was obtained by being able to wear a short skirt and have a cute smile and then yes you can change your career path often. Image you can even become a fashion designer next week. ahhh butterflies!

On the subject of work it is equally harmful to put your career ahead of your family. A job is just a method of generating an income as well as a stroke to you for your ego. Putting work first and allowing it to damage others is once again just stupid! Any company you work for truly does not give a damn and why should they you are just a cog in their profit pursuit.  

So in conclusion be cool and find Joy in you dreams, but don’t discard people in the pursuit of them. How can anything be fulfilling if it is built on the bones of shattered psyches. The other thing is loyalty, just be loyal, try it you may like it.
