I feel that my right to be fabulous has been violated. It all started slowly with the Beetles wanting the rainbow, and then Apple wanted the rainbow and the apple and the finally the poor rainbow was high jacked by the gay people and they seem to be hogging it.
Though I think the beetles were actually the start of the rainbow being considered to represent gay people; well look at their photo and maybe you can see what I mean. I also love their outfits.
I have no problem with people finding love wherever they can as that is probably the meaning of life and how dare anyone question another person's choice. Equally any person who is prepared to raise and love a tiny human through the terrible two's and through teenage-dom, then pay for college and finally independence should have the right to do so. A child does not judge the person who loves them so once again how dare any other person interfere. As a parent it does not matter who you are as long as you have ethics and never harm those in your care it really does not matter who you have as a partner. There are enough theoretically normal people that raise children and teach them the weirdest of things.
Well back to being fabulous. I think if gay people can get married and adopt children then they have to give back the rainbow for all of us to use. They may still be fabulous, but, no longer should the rainbow be exclusively theirs.
The poor Nyan cat has been labelled as symbol of gay pride and all it does is leave a vapour trail in the colours of the rainbow. Maybe the kitty does like kitties of its own sex or maybe it finds the opposite sex exciting, who are we to judge and shove a label on the kitty
just because it has a fabulous choice of colour.
Poor my little ponies, not only are they made out of rubber and have been scribbled on, now they too are considered to be gay. It is bad enough that they are being exploited for entertainment without the benefit of first having a decent voice coach or options to preview the script. Stop the labelling.
The pot of gold is also a bit frightened as it is scared that it can only be found in an area where gay men prefer to hang out; well that is just plain silly. I know leprechauns look like strange little fellows but
once again stop judging them and saying that they are gay due to playing with rainbows and pots of gold. They may very well be, but once again we don't care.
Now that everyone can get married and have children, the proverbial pot of gold is going to be all used up for pedestrian thing like school fees.
So no more selfishness, if you want to be part of every day life then you actually have to just fit in and stop making a noises as to how down trodden you are. I don't care who anybody goes to bed with and I certainly don't want to hear about it.
So lets all get together and just be people. Do your bit to save the kitties and ponies from being labelled. It is the only way to be.