
Thursday 25 April 2013

Have a cup of tea

Have you noticed how any television show that you can watch there will be at least one scene that starts with a bottle of wine being poured into a glass, or someone rushing into a space where they have to have alcohol or they will just die? If it is earlier in the day, people greet each other with a cup of coffee, in fact if there is no coffee there is no implied friendship. Every day I troll face book to see my fill of beautiful and amusing things and what do I see instead, either plugs for booze or funny pictures of how this or that person would not have made it this morning but for the aid of coffee.

Enough already drink tea! It is far nicer and has not gained the whiney following that the above have. I gave up coffee so I know it is possible. I read somewhere that giving up coffee is as difficult as giving up cocaine. I know when I gave it up the withdrawal systems were so bad that I needed to sip Coke (the cola drink) to get therapeutic amounts of caffeine. The pain in my head was incredible and the ability to have cognitive thought processes slowed for at least a month. I now have not had coffee for 10 years and still I do breathe in a bit deeper when I walk past a pot brewing, but as I was saying, for Pete sake people stop being little sheep and following what popular culture want you do and just have a cup of tea.

As for booze, well enough of popularising alcoholism,
when did we as a society turn the corner of needing a drink every night. Has everyone bought into the belief that life is a party and so cheers lets have another one. When people come to visit, I really do not feel it is necessary to being out drinks, I am way funny enough without needing to dull people’s pain of having a conversation with me. What a waste of time of being pissed is. All that happens is that you plug into oblivion earlier than necessary. Life should not be that painful, that you need to anesthetise yourself. The other thing is do people actually think that they need to sparkle, with alcohol you may think that you are amazing, but that dear people is only in your head and the reality would probably depress you and send you scurrying for another glass of wine.

The best is to just have a darn cup of Tea. I like it so it must be good; but if we are talking numbers then the most ancient and largest world populations all drink tea. So that proves it, the only way to become civilized is to have a cuppa.


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